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On the heels of an impressive primary victory from Sharice Davids in Kansas’ 3rd District and multiple election forecasters shifting this seat to Toss-Up, the DCCC announced a new television ad targeting vulnerable Rep. Kevin Yoder.

The ad, “Pretend,” which starts airing today in the Kansas City market, holds Yoder accountable for his loyalty to the Washington special interests bankrolling his campaign. While Yoder’s campaign is being fueled by special interests, he’s doing their bidding in Congress by voting to give tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy while putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block.

“Kevin Yoder is the ultimate D.C. insider,” said DCCC spokesperson Rachel Irwin. “When Yoder does the bidding of his special interest donors and Wall Street banks, hardworking Kansans pay the price. While Yoder is in Washington selling out his constituents, Sharice Davids is running a strong campaign to put the people of Kansas first.”

Watch “Pretend” Here


Kevin Yoder likes to pretend he looks out for Kansans, but he is really a Washington insider taking care of the special interests at our expense.

Yoder took over a million in campaign contributions from Wall Street and financial interests and voted to give them huge new tax breaks.

Now they want to cut Medicare and Social Security to pay for it.

Kevin Yoder, another Washington politician selling us out.

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