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WATCH: New DCCC TV Ad in AK-AL Highlights How Don Young Can’t Deliver Anymore For Alaskans

Young Has Lost Clout After He Was Investigated For Corruption

Today, the DCCC released its latest TV ad in AK-AL district, “Roads,” which highlights how Congressman Don Young’s well-documented corruption has caused him to lose political influence in Washington, leaving Young unable to deliver for the needs of Alaskans. The ad is airing now on broadcast across Alaska in all markets.

Before the investigation into his scandal, Alaska families thought they could count on Young to deliver for them and their needs. But after being caught for textbook Washington corruption and being forced to step down his leadership position and ultimately fined $60,000 for ethics violations, Don Young’s diminished influence in Washington can no longer deliver for Alaskans. Because Don Young has lost his clout, families and businesses have lost out on $1 billion in needed transportation funding.

Even fellow Republican lawmakers say Don Young is “not a player anymore” in the halls of Congress.


Statement from DCCC Spokesperson Andy Orellana:

“After nearly five decades in office and multiple scandals and corrupt practices that have dogged Don Young in DC, clearly Don can no longer deliver for Alaskans. Don Young isn’t showing up anymore for Alaska and Alaskans are tired of hearing about it. They know the time is now to elect someone new, someone who will actually show up and deliver for Alaska’s families, especially right now.”

“Roads” – Ad Script:

“For Don Young, the road has been long and bumpy…

Fined 60,000 dollars for ethics violations.

He was forced to step down from his leadership position due to corruption and scandal.

And Alaska lost $1 billion in transportation funding.

Even Republicans say he’s not a player anymore.

And over time, just like our roads, Don Young’s influence is wasting away.

D-C-C-C is responsible for the content of this advertising.”


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