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WHAT ARIZONANS ARE READING: David Schweikert, Juan Ciscomani’s Extremism Exposed After Arizona’s Anti-Abortion Ruling

David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani are attempting to scrub their extensive anti-abortion records – but Arizonans are reading all about their ongoing hypocrisy.

Even in their desperate attempts to backtrack on their support for anti-abortion legislation, Schweikert “did not rescind his support for total bans on abortion,” and Ciscomani said he still supports an abortion ban in Arizona.

Don’t forget that Schweikert co-sponsored a federal abortion ban with no exceptions – even in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the woman is at stake – six times in Congress. Ciscomani is a part of the Republican Study Committee that included a recommendation to pass this same legislation in its latest budget proposal.  

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani’s pathetic lies won’t cover up their record of attacking women’s health care or hide their ultimate goal of imposing a national abortion ban. Arizonans know that Schweikert and Ciscomani will stop at nothing to take away women’s rights and they will face the political consequences at the ballot box.”

Read more on the impacts of Arizona’s abortion ban and ballot initiative on vulnerable House Republicans below:

Rolling Stone:

Copper Courier:



Arizona Republic:

Roll Call


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