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Will Adam Kinzinger Condemn His Party’s Extreme, Near-Total Abortion Ban in Texas?

Today, the draconian Republican abortion ban in Texas (S.B. 8) went into effect, all but eliminating access to safe, legal abortion for patients across the state. Illinoisans deserve to know: Does Adam Kinzinger stand with his party in pushing an extremist ban to outlaw abortion?

Republicans’ assault on patient rights and health care providers reaches far beyond the borders of Texas. With the Supreme Court set to consider a full reversal of Roe v. Wade this fall, this cruel, out-of-touch law acts as a blueprint for Republican legislatures across the country to intimidate physicians, ban abortions, and strip access to health care for women.

Adam Kinzinger’s anti-health care record makes clear he cannot be trusted by Illinois women. Kinzinger voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood, a lifeline for Illinois women who depend on affordable health coverage.

“Adam Kinzinger’s silence as Republicans all but end safe, legal abortion in Texas makes it clear: His loyalty lies with the radical, anti-choice wing of his party, not Illinoisans who depend on access to health coverage,” said DCCC spokesperson Elena Kuhn. “This cruel legislation needlessly puts politicians between patients and their doctors and empowers wannabe vigilantes to target health care providers. By standing by and doing nothing as this draconian ban goes into effect, Adam Kinzinger has proven he cannot be trusted by Illinois women when it matters most.”


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