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IN THEIR OWN WORDS: Vulnerable House Republicans Promised Never to Remove Protections for Preexisting Conditions

In case you missed it, House Republicans are desperate to strike a morally bankrupt deal to pass a new repeal bill – but this time they are going to essentially throw out protections for people with pre-existing conditions by pricing them out of the market. Nearly every House Republican has guaranteed that any ACA replacement will protect Americans with preexisting conditions, ensuring that this deal will go down in infamy as one of the Republicans’ biggest broken promises.

“House Republicans have promised repeatedly not to go after Americans with preexisting conditions – and yet they are preparing to eliminate these protections and add to a long list of broken promises in their first 100 days,” said DCCC Spokesman Tyler Law. “If vulnerable House Republicans pursue a morally bankrupt repeal bill that rips insurance away from 24 million, raises costs, slaps an age tax on older folks, and now removes protections for preexisting conditions, they should be prepared for substantial blowback at home.” 

Remember that fourteen vulnerable Republicans have already voted yes on a repeal bill that only had 17% support at a time when the Affordable Care Act is increasingly popular. While it’s uncertain if House Republicans can even pass a bill, there is certain to be plenty of arm-twisting and backroom deals to whip votes. The question now is whether vulnerable House Republicans will break promises made to their constituents in order to serve their party bosses.

Promise upon promise about pre-existing conditions…

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