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York Dispatch Editorial Board Eviscerates Perry for Endangering Safety of PA Children and Teachers

“Perry has never been a big believer in scientific experts, at least those who disagree with his political vision”

Teachers unions, families, and now a local editorial board are calling out Congressman Scott Perry for dangerously spreading misinformation about coronavirus – namely, that it is safe to open up schools in the fall, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Congressman Perry’s recklessness when it comes to endangering the health and well-being of children and teachers in the district demonstrates that he shouldn’t be the go-to voice for anything when South Central Pennsylvanians are concerned,” said DCCC Spokesperson Courtney Rice. “This isn’t the first time Perry has shown little regard for his district – from his callous comments that no one really lives paycheck-to-paycheck to his votes against those hardest hit by COVID-19, his recent downplaying of science should come as little surprise.”

Generally speaking, Scott Perry is not the go-to voice when it comes to science
York Dispatch Editorial Board

Key Points

  • Generally speaking, it wasn’t the most informed statement that U.S. Rep. Scott Perry has ever made. And generally speaking, Perry’s misinformed comments over the years cover an awful lot of ground.
  • Disputing his conclusions: Well, when it comes to science, you’ll have to pardon us if we don’t take Mr. Perry’s word at face value. The conservative congressman has never been a big believer in scientific experts, at least those who disagree with his political vision. It doesn’t seem to matter to him that many other studies dispute his conclusions.
  • Strong rebuke from teachers: Not surprisingly, Perry’s comments drew a strong — and deserved — rebuke from the state teachers’ union. Lauri Lebo, spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Education Association, said she was offended by Perry’s remarks on behalf of the immunocompromised teachers throughout the state. “When it comes to the science, safety, health and medical information that’s coming out, PSEA and our members are going to turn toward the experts instead of Scott Perry — a politician who doesn’t take science seriously,” Lebo said.
  • Wrong tone during surge: It’s distressing that Perry made his most recent tone-deaf statement during a period when positive tests for the coronavirus have surged both in the state and across the station. Now, more than ever, we need to be vigilant and cautious, especially with the health and safety of our children and their teachers.
  • Following the Trump line: Perry’s comments don’t come as much of a surprise. He’s an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly argued schools should fully reopen in the fall. Even worse, the Trump administration has threatened to withhold funding from those that don’t.
  • The decision on how and when to reopen schools should be made at the local level, by school boards familiar with their individual district situations. […T]hat’s why misinformed statements, such as those made by Perry, only serve to further polarize an already divisive issue. Generally speaking, of course.

Read the full editorial here.


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