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Lies, Politics, & Cowardice on Zika Funding by Carlos Curbelo

Carlos Curbelo’s lack of leadership on funding a Zika response is nothing short of a shameful series of lies, politics, misdirection, and cowardice by the South Florida Congressman who can’t stand up to his own reckless Republican Party for the health of women and children.



  • May 12: Carlos Curbelo tells the Miami Heraldhe supports the administration’s full Zika funding request in a radio interview, though the Miami Herald is unable to find proof.
  • July 13: Carlos Curbelo took to the House floorto try to convince Floridians that he has “consistently advocated for full funding at the administration’s request.” This is a blatantly false statement. It took Curbelo three months to come around to this position, which he did only after he was widely criticized by Marco Rubio and the Miami Herald.

Playing Politics:

  • April 27, April 28, May 18, May 24; May 26: Five times Carlos Curbelo joined House Republicans to block an immediate vote on legislation to provide the full resources to fight Zika.
  • May 2The Hillreports on Rep. Carlos Curbelo’s measure that codifies Republicans’ sham call to retool Ebola funding, without offering additional emergency funding. The article notes Curbelo: “didn’t say he would support the full $1.9 billion.”

Misleading Statements:

  • July 29: Carlos Curbelo blames Democrats for the Republican riders that were attached to – and ultimately sank – a critical bill that would have fully funded the response to the growing Zika crisis in South Florida.
  • Aug 18: Carlos Curbelo holds a roundtable on Zika then issues a timeline on his Zika record that conveniently begins in April. President Obama first requested Zika funds in February. It took Curbelo a full three months before he supported funding at the level of the President’s request.  Read the accurate timeline on Curbelo’s Zika record.


  • August 19: Politico reports: Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) is worrying that Congress’ lack of action could cripple him in an already tough reelection battle.” Curbelo has yet to call on his House Republican leadership to come back from their 7-week recess to pass a clean Zika funding bill.

“Instead of challenging his own party to stop politicizing Zika and to get back to Washington to pass a clean funding bill, Curbelo continues to mislead voters and play politics with this public health crisis,” said Jermaine House of the DCCC. “As the Zika crisis continues, Curbelo has neither stood up to his leadership nor been transparent about his own record.”

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