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Chapter 2 – Republicans In Disarray In California’s 25th District

Snubbed by Local Republicans Knight Gallops Back to the Warm Embrace of President Trump

Two weeks ago, the Los Angeles GOP snubbed failed former GOP Congressman Steve Knight, choosing to endorse fellow Republican Mike Garcia.

The very next day, in a rush to turn the page on being embarrassed by his local GOP, Knight galloped right back to the Washington swamp to secure the endorsement of GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy. Then last week, the Ventura County GOP snubbed Knight for Garcia.

NOW, in what seems like someone fearful of losing another election, Knight has gone on the attack – going after Garcia for not being a full-fledged Trump cheerleader and proudly claiming he voted with Trump 99 PERCENT of the time.

We will let Knight speak for Knight:

“Here are the facts. In November of 2016, Mike Garcia [had] an opportunity to vote for Mr. Trump to be our President. He chose not to. In 2018, during the midterms of President Trump’s first term in office, where it’s very difficult, Mike Garcia decided, ‘I’m not going to vote in 2018 at all’. I [Knight] have a 99% voting record with President Trump’s policies.”

From the horse’s mouth, Knight voted with Trump to the tune of 99 PERCENT.

“Reminder, Steve Knight was the last GOP Member of Congress to represent portions of Los Angeles County but now his local GOP’s won’t even return his calls and so he’s hugging to his record with Trump like an election security blanket,” said DCCC Press Secretary, Andy Orellana. “When Knight last served, he fully supported Trump’s tax scam and cuts to health care for Californians and lost by the most of any CA GOP incumbent in 2018. In 2020, the voters of CA-25 will not forget Knight sold them out to Trump and the Washington GOP.”



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