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Knight ❤s Trump & Cutting Benefits For CA-25

Rejected Congressman Steve Knight Uses Campaign To Brag That He Has:

“A 99% Voting Record With President Trump’s policies.”

When voters denied Rep. Steve Knight another term in Congress, it was because he repeatedly put his loyalty to Trump and Washington Republicans first.

Knight fell in line as Washington Republicans voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and protections for people with pre-existing conditions. And when Republicans passed a massive tax scam to help wealthy corporations and his campaign backers, Knight sided with them over working-class homeowners in California.

Now, the ousted Congressman is bragging about that record, telling Republican primary voters that he’s the true champion for Trump not his opponent, with Knight saying:

“Here are the facts. In November of 2016, Mike Garcia had an opportunity to vote for Mr. Trump to be our President. He chose not to […] I have a 99% voting record with President Trump’s policies.

Knight’s comments come as the President threatened less than two weeks ago to make cuts to Medicare and Social Security in order to pay for the unpopular tax law Knight helped pass. These cuts would affect more than 102,000 Social Security beneficiaries in California’s 25th District and would just give Southern Californians yet another reason to reject Knight a second time in an as many elections.

Does Knight support Trump’s proposed cuts? Probably, given he voted to slash Medicare and called Social Security a “bad idea.”

“Californians voted Congressman Steve Knight out of office because he constantly put his loyalty to Washington Republicans ahead of the people he was elected to represent,” said DCCC Spokesperson Andy Orellana. “As the President threatens to cut Medicare and Social Security to pay for the agenda Knight is bragging about, why should Californians trust that the Congressman they rejected would represent them better this time around?”


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