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Mike Coffman’s DACA Promise ‘Too Little, Too Late’

Proud DREAMer and DCCC spokesman Javier Gamboa released the following statement in response to vulnerable Representative Mike Coffman’s sudden, politically-calculated change of heart on DACA and protecting Colorado families:

“Representative Mike Coffman has had eight years in Congress to do the right thing and stand up for Colorado’s immigrant families. Instead, he’s voted for the same heartless policies that President Trump is turning into reality, including votes to defund DACA and deport DREAMers. Mike Coffman’s latest flip-flop on immigration is purely political and a sign of just how vulnerable he is ahead of 2018.”

Coffman’s Anti-Immigrant Record:

  • Coffman has voted to deport innocent DREAMers.
  • Coffman voted to defund DACA.
  • Coffman voted against the DREAM Act and called it a nightmare.
  • Yesterday, August 30, Coffman reiterated, “I support the president’s proposal for funding the start of a border wall.
  • Less than a month ago, Coffman admitted on video that eliminating DACA would come at a ‘high political cost.’
  • When Coffmanwas recently asked if he supported President Trump’s harsh stances on immigration – stances that have resulted in the deportation of thousands of law-abiding immigrants – he shamelessly agreed with Trump’s cruelty.
  • Coffman fought for English-only ballots, saying that minority language voters should “pull out a dictionary.”
  • State Representative Joe Salazar declared: “Mike Coffman paved the way for anti-Immigrant Donald Trump.”
  • State Senator Jesse Ulibarri took Coffman to task, writing a piecefor the Denver Post about why “Mike Coffman is no friend to immigrants.”
  • A story in The Colorado Independent outlined why “Latino Dems blame Mike Coffman for Trump’s rise.

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