After additional reporting revealed extremist Congressman-Elect George Santos’ resume was full of even more lies and deceit, Republican leaders have cowered and refused to condemn Santos’ long record of fraud and falsehoods.
Given Kevin McCarthy’s penchant for letting House Republicans embrace racism, violence, anti-Semitism, and far-right extremism, it’s not shocking to see he and his caucus are refusing to condemn an incoming member largely fabricating their resume.
But according to one senior House GOP aide, Republicans knew about Santos’ shady business background months ago, and were apparently “not touching him with a 10-foot pole.”
McCarthy and NRCC leadership MUST answer: How much did they know about Santos’ lies when they continued to spend over a hundred thousand dollars supporting him, and will they ever muster the courage to speak up?
DCCC Spokesperson Nebeyatt Betre
“Republicans are hoping to sweep Santos’ heinous lies under the rug to save their already chaotic caucus from even more scrutiny. They’ve deceived voters enough. It’s far past time for McCarthy, Santos, and their colleagues to stop hiding and be held accountable for this deceit.”